When setting up a new job run for Tube Finishers, or even doing a single flare, be sure to check the dial heading on the tool head for the 2CP and 3CP. Changing the tube size will insure that you are obtaining the best flare on the tube. Deburring is a very important step to getting a good flare. Cutting tubing with a saw will leave jagged edges on the tube end. Deburring your tube is the best way to get the best flare. Putting a little grease on the cone is always suggested.

Tube Finishers | NEW

232 Flaring Machine NEW

Manufacturer – American Fluid Power.

This machine features a variable speed control unit, and weighs approximately 168 pounds.

2CP Flaring Machine NEW

Manufacturer – American Fluid Power.

These units have warranty for ONE year. Our models come standard with a variable speed control unit. Weight is approximately 225 pounds.

3CP Flaring Machine NEW

Manufacturer – American Fluid Power.

This machine comes with a ONE year warranty. We have flare and bead, or flare only options.

Flareall 100 Flaring Machine NEW

Manual flaring machine, new without dies or cones.

Tube Finishers | Rebuilt

232 Flaring Machine REBUILT

American Fluid Power will rebuild machines back to as good as, if not better than new!

3CP Flaring Machine REBUILT

American Fluid Power will rebuild your machine BETTER than when it was new! With flare and bead, or flare only options.

Tube Finishers | Repair & Parts

232 Bead Arbors
232 Bead Dies
232 Bead Rollers
232 Beading Head
232 Flare Dies
2CP Bead Arbors
2CP Bead Dies
2CP Bead Tips
2CP Beading Head BH-1
2CP Beading Head BH-2
2CP Flare Cones
2CP Flare Dies
2CP Flare Dies Recessed

2CP Repair and Rebuild
2CP Tube Stop Plates
3CP Bead Arbors
3CP Bead Dies
3CP Bead Rollers
3CP Bead Tips
3CP Beading Head Adapter BH-30
3CP Beading Head Adapter BH-35
3CP Beading Head BH-1
3CP Beading Head BH-2
3CP Beading Head BH-3
3CP Flare Cones
3CP Flare Dies

3CP Flare Dies Recessed
3CP Repair and Rebuild
3CP Tube Stop Plates
3CPV Flare Dies
Die Adapter
Flareall 100 Flare Dies
Flareall Cones
Heavy Duty Spindle Adapter
Olsen Flare Dies
SCP Flare Dies
Spindle Adapter